Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Star Trek Beyond - A1/Top/Edum Behaal!

Let's look at this in point form. Makes it easier to write and most importantly, allows those of you the with attention span of a fruit fly to digest these life altering nuggets of pure wisdom. So here goes:

Chris Pine has really matured into his role as Captain Kirk, which means he kicks ass.

JJ Abrams didn't direct this one, so this movie is more Trek than Star Wars, which is what Trekkies want. If we wanted Star Wars we would watch Star Wars and then go play with our lightsabers.

JJ Abrams didn't direct this one so just on the basis of that fact, this movie is 10 times better than its 2 predecessors.

None of the characters are soppy whining teeny boppers because JJ Abrams didn't direct this one.

There is enough Enterprise imagery to make us feel the loss when she is destroyed.

JJ Abrams didn't direct this one.

It's co-written by Simon Pegg, meaning its written by someone who loves Trek enough to know it's not Star Wars.

Roberto Orci and Damon Lindelof didn't write this one, so on the basis of that fact, it's 10 times better than it's 2 predecessors.

Jaylah is gorgeous for an extra terrestrial.

There are enough hints of the original series in this movie to satisfy Trek Purists while still being accessible to newer non Trek audiences.

Stay tuned for an in-depth review in the days to come. Or better yet, just go watch the thing. Screw it, I'm going to watch it again. Stop reading random reviews from some random dude on the internet whose blog translates into "insane asylum".

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